Process Improvement is A Socio-Technical Change Event

Two primary influencers for making a healthy and productive change are socio-technical. Both are success factors and should be part of the problem-solving process. Therefore, a comprehensive  Statement of Work should begin the project.

 Socio-influences are essential to employee well-being and satisfaction. If employees are highly valued, people are attracted to the workplace, and retention is high. Socio norms become shared standards of behavior, which entail certain behavior expectations in a given situation. Methods of addressing healthy change are defined in the theories of "Change Management" and "Influencer."

 Technical influences focus on goods and services.

The current state of these deliverables and the desired outcome are understood in terms of the project's Scope, goal, and objective. The technical norms become the business's operating procedures. Methods to address products are found in the roadmaps defined for process improvement.

 A healthy socio-technical system results in a high quality of work life. In addition, developing positive change from both the business and people perspectives derives value for customers, stakeholders, and those delivering the products and services.

 Therefore, as you begin your project, document a clear Statement of Work to include:

  •  A clear understanding of the business impact, including:

  • The Scope: area of focus

  • The Goal: What are you to accomplish

  • The Objective: What is the measurable impact

Team Composition: What is the specific mix of talent required to meet the challenge? This is not static and should be rebalanced as needed. That mix should include problem solvers, innovators, and people who can influence positive change.

Plan for Change: At the onset of every project, build a change management plan. Include documenting the organization's values, beliefs, behaviors (Influencers), Systems Dynamics, and impacted processes, including job descriptions.

Your statement of work is your comprehension of the problem. With a well-balanced and thoughtful plan, you can impact the business.

Remember that this document is evergreen and will be updated at the end of each phase throughout the project. It is your game plan for success.